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You will need to fill in a health history form and then we will discuss the reasons for your visit, I will also look at your body alignment.  This will allow me to select the best course of treatment for you.  This pre assessment will take no more than 30 minutes on your first appointment with me.


Wear or bring light loose-fitting clothing that will allow me to work through.  Or you may choose to wear your underwear and be professionally draped for modesty and comfort.


After each series of moves I will leave the room to allow your body time to respond.


Following treatment some changes may be noticeable right away, such as reduced pain, greater range of motion and a deep sense of relaxation and wellbeing.


You may also notice changes over the following few days as your body continues to process what began during your treatment.  Sound sleep and increased energy are commonly reported.  It is important to stay hydrated during this time.


Occasionally exercise and stretches may also be assigned as ‘homework’.  These are an essential part of your care and will improve your results.

What does a Bowen session involve?: Services
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